3 min readOct 9, 2020


Machine Learning and Microsoft Dynamics 365

It was not long ago when artificial intelligence and machine learning were considered futuristic technologies right out of a science fiction movie. Look where we are now! Yes, artificial intelligence and machine learning have silently snuck-up on us and woven itself into our lifestyles that we take many of these for granted. Evolved from artificial intelligence, machine learning gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning can make data-driven predictions or decisions by building a model from sample inputs. Machine learning works smarter BY using data to interact with customers in different ways. Additionally, machine learning analyses your data and provides recommendations for next steps in order to help your business develop.

Integrating Machine Learning and Microsoft Dynamics 365

Your Microsoft dynamics 365 CRM has an ocean of data from sales, marketing, customer support. CRM can deliver more value to the organization only if you can make sense out of the huge data. Integrating Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Machine Learning will revolutionize the way business are run as the outcome adds so much value and enhances overall efficiency in the long run.

How will Machine Learning change Microsoft Dynamics 365?

If you have invested in a CRM, we can safely surmise that there is a strong purpose and expectation behind the decision. Only organizations that want to scale up and have an aggressive growth plan would do that. So, it is all the more important to get more value out of your CRM investment. Integrating Machine Learning to your Dynamics CRM can extend the value of your CRM and have a major impact on improving your ROI by driving better outcomes.
Here are the five key changes that Machine Learning can bring to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.

  1. With Machine Learning (ML), you can gain insights into the future. ML looks into the aggregated data, each and every interaction, and makes recommendations for better outcomes.
  2. As the data and interactions in your CRM increase, your predictions improve as well. ML automatically interprets past actions and provides recommendations by continual learning. Machine Learning can eliminate the need to manually set up the rules and maintain them.
  3. You need not manually spend time researching all the data in your CRM to get insights on why certain interactions happened. ML automatically learns and provides insights on why a particular prediction is made to provide the right suggestions suitable for the expected outcomes.
  4. ML treats each interaction individually. By this, Ml helps you to draw richer customer engagement patterns to ensure personalized recommendations.
  5. Our CRM has structured as well as unstructured data. Handling the structured data is easy with CRM. But, dealing with the numerous unstructured data is one significant barrier. Machine Learning analyses unstructured data along with the structured data, which becomes a powerful element for ML to provide suggestions and recommendations for a better outcome.

What we saw above are only a few examples of what ML can do to your Dynamics CRM. The Machine learning capabilities have no limits and when you’ve ML integrated to your Dynamics CRM, be prepared to be pleasantly surprised!

As a Microsoft Gold partner and Dynamics experts, we can help you make the right choice.




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